God Knows!

Snoopy Hug

Can you predict with certainty who will win the World Series or Superbowl this year? God knows. Do you know who will be our next president? God knows. Do you know what the stock market will do today tomorrow or next year? God knows. Do you know when earth will complete it’s last day? God knows.

Do you know when will be YOUR last day on this earth? Yes, God knows that too! God knows our beginning and our end. He knows we are frail human beings whose life can last but moments or even seven decades or longer! God knows everything about us and that is why He put a plan in place that would just knock our socks off when we stop to consider it! We are His highest and most loved creation, for He created us alone in His image. No other living thing was created in His image so when our first parents marred that image with sin, God was already ready with His remedy. He loved us that much!

So rather than writing it across the sky He planted His love message into the hearts of prophets, who were fallen men that would be moved by God’s Spirit to write down His message to His own special people the nation of Israel. These prophets began writing in the Bible hundreds of years ahead of time, and His message was revealed in the fullness of time. Then the time clock of earth came to a stop and started all over again on the day of Jesus birth and there is NO one else on earth for which that happened! Jesus the Christ came to earth and fulfilled hundreds of prophecies written hundreds of years in advance! How could that happen? Only God could pull it off.

And guess what? It was all done for YOU! For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)

Sure, I could try and guess who will win the World Series or Superbowl or even who might be our next president. But I don’t want to guess about my eternity. God knows I’m His because I turned from my sins and surrendered my life to Him. I was saved, born again, and all the guess work is gone. I am His and He is mine! God knows. Do you know?

For more on this topic see: Second Birthday!

Other faith building blogs here: New Blog Index

The 5th Commandment

I reblog this story in honor of my father Warren A. Wolfe. Happy Father’s Day Dad!


Mom n Dad

As a blogger writing about things that happen to me or around me on life’s pathways it ends up my life is an open book. I’m ok with that, because the things that happen daily and even those from my past produce life lessons which, when shared, can be an encouragement to my readers. So today I write about my father. If you have read my life story in my series of blogs started back on August 4th about “Bud” then you might remember what I shared about my father which was not very flattering to say the least, though it was true. It’s just that there was much more to his story as with everyone. So I’d like to share a portion of his story and draw from it a lesson or two.

See Bud’s Beginning at: https://lobochronicles.com/2015/08/04/buds-beginning/

A heartwarming part of the story is that my mom and…

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In Times Like These

I wrote this blog after the Paris terrorist attack and the message still applies today.



Wow, what a world we are living in these days! We certainly need to look UP when we are DOWN. Agree? God never said it would be easy and in fact, I believe He said in this world we would see tribulation (or troubles). What He also said was that He would never leave us or forsake us! To encourage you… In Times Like These:

  1. We need to pray for our leaders:Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence. For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior. (1 Timothy 2: 1-3) This admonition applies no matter what political party they may be.
  2. We need to park our worries with the One…

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My brother has been doing so well with his Melanoma treatments but with his most recent one he has some painful side effects. Please contine to pray for him. Thank you!



Hello Friends, The other day I wrote a blog entitled Once Upon A Time and the lessons I shared have come home to roost in my own life. The summary portion of that blog said:

“Can we just admit there is a MUCH higher Sovereign Power to Whom we are all tied? [when things happen] We make a great mistake when we run the other direction away from Him. RUN TO HIM for the other direction is a much much darker place! You might not understand it all, but just RUN TO HIM and your “Once Upon A Time” story will give “God the Glory” and that is the ending for which we were made.”

Well, in recent days our family received the news that my oldest brother Warren (better known to us as “Pooch”) was discovered to have Melanoma Cancer. Pooch has had a tremendous impact on our family…

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The Quiet City

Re-blogged with minor updates.


Green Point2

Let me take you back to the community pictured above. Tucked between two mountains in the heartland of Pennsylvania is a little community called “Green Point”. Maybe I’m just a nostalgic guy but I would love to put myself back in those days when the world was a much simpler place. No interstate highways with cars and trucks racing back and forth across the land, no cell phones, no people staring mindlessly into their smart phones, no computers, no big chain stores. No Fed Ex! Are you with me? Could you go there? Oh yeah, I could go there. People would wave to you when passing on the street walking or driving. They would actually KNOW their neighbors by name and everything you needed was either on your property or within a short walking distance.

Take a long look at what you see in the picture. Among many things you…

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