My Cousin Susie

Susan FB

It was in the days of new beginnings for the Christian School movement. In 1977 Susan King was tasked to educate 15 precious lives in K thru 2nd grade all in one class at the fledgling Blue Mountain Christian School for that first tenuous and exciting opening year. Would it work? Would this new experiment get off the ground? A lot would depend on the teacher, in fact it all would depend on her! The eggs were all in one basket, so to speak. It was almost like the traditional “One Room School” where tenacity, resoursefulness and true grit (and a LOT of Faith) would be applied in every school day.

But as we know, she made it work and in the succeeding years left an indelible impression on scores of children for all of eternity. Three of them were our sons Eric, Daniel & Jason and they all recall fondly those early years. The school went on to add a full complement of grades and still operates today thanks to a lasting foundation that Susan helped to build. And that’s the Susan we knew and loved. A mainstay, strong faith, serving, loving, making things work for those around her.

Raised as her brother John said, “In an idyllic” setting as the oldest of three children to Jack & Dorothy (Tottie) Allison, Susan lived a blessed life with a strong Christian testimony and went on to marry Steve, the love of her life, and they would have three beautiful girls, Abigail, Allison & Amanda and one grandaughter Miya.

Susan n Steve

Susan n Mia

Susan n Family
Susan with her extended family
Susan & Cousin
Cousin Cindy with Susan and her brother John & sister Sally
Susan & John
Susan and little brother John

Never a negative word, always a ready smile and even throughout her battle with Cancer and future complications, she demonstrated an almost inhuman optimism and unheard of tenacity as she faced daily trials. But Susan would want me to give the credit to her Savior the Lord Jesus Christ in Whom she placed her faith as a young girl, and into whose presence she stepped on June 14, 2018. Ushered into Glory with a new body, shedding the old, no more pain, no more sorrow, no more tears, free at last for all eternity.

Susan’s daughter Allison shared a bit of her struggles over the past 6 years just prior to her passing:

It has been a long and difficult journey since my mom was first diagnosed with stage 4 colon/liver cancer in January 2012. After procedures, chemotherapy, major surgeries, more chemotherapy, radiation, and more, she was able to overcome cancer and has been cancer free, but all of those things took a major toll and left her with small for size liver syndrome as well as many other health issues to battle, and a diminished quality of life. Even so, we are grateful for these 6 and a half years we did not know we would get to have with her back in 2012.

This past year especially has been extremely difficult, as approximately one year ago she had to begin going to dialysis 3 times a week, was in and out of the hospital on a continuous basis, and her end stage liver and kidney disease continued to progress making her weak, frail, malnourished, and sick. The last few months have been a physical and emotional rollercoaster mixed with hope and heartache, as even when the end seemed inevitable on numerous occasions her fighting spirit continued to miraculously overcome every bleak obstacle.

We would like to thank everyone who has given us love, support, and prayers. It means more than we can say. We ask for continued prayer for comfort and peace for my mother, my family, and those who love her dearly. We rest in the assurance of her lifelong faith and the peace that passes all understanding, knowing and rejoicing in the glory that awaits her.

None of us knows what tomorrow may bring but we know Who holds tomorrow in His hands and that is our Savior and Creator the Lord Jesus Christ! The curse of sin and subsequent diseases still walk this Earth, and no matter the person or the life lived it will ultimately one day knock on our door, barring the Lord’s return to meet Him in the air. So we must be ready at any moment to meet our Savior. Are you ready?

Jesus said, “For God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16)

He also said, “But to as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the children of God, even to them that believe on His name.” (John 1:12)

And finally, “Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father’s house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also.” (John 14:1-3)

For those of you who shared her Faith Susan would want you to rejoice today in that salvation with the accompanying promise of an eternal reuinon one day. If you are still holding back she would beg you to believe today in her Savior, to leave the skeptics and lies of the enemy of your soul and place your faith in Jesus today while there is still time, and then one day experience with her all the glories of eternity!

Susan Smiling

Sixty Four years on this earth seem so short but oh just think of eternity, the world of forever! There was a reunion in Heaven this morning and what joy there must have been with those who have gone before!  As the song recently taking christendom by storm says, “I can only imagine what it will be like, when I walk by His side. I can only imagine what my eyes will see, when His face is before me. I can only imagine….” (from “I Can Only Imagine” by Mercy Me)

I thank God for my cousin Susie’s faith in Christ which she placed in Him as a young girl. It is because of that Faith and my Faith in Jesus that I can truly say without a doubt, “See you on the other side my beloved cousin!”

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