
Brian 2017

Hi! My name is Brian and I have a couple of nicknames, “Brain” which is used by my brothers and “Lobo” from my 45 year career working in the electronics industry which is where I came up with “lobochronicles” for my blog name. I am a Christian (40+ years), a Husband (52 years and counting), a Proud Father of 3 awesome sons, a Grandfather of 8 precious grandchildren and proud US citizen. I am a retired engineer, a volunteer Worship Leader and a novice Writer. My interests are varied. They include a love for music, sacred or sixties rock and roll, the outdoors, landscaping, hunting, fishing & road and mountain bicycle riding. I’m also an avid reader and so you will find me in the Bible every morning, plus I’m a fan of Louis LaAmour western paperbacks, Christian writers C.S.Lewis, Watchman Nee and others. My favorite president is Ronald Reagan.

It is my goal to write in an encouraging, uplifting and helpful fashion about life, it’s challenges, it’s lessons and the happenings along the way from a Christian viewpoint and therefore most of all to honor my Creator and Savior Jesus Christ. If you’d like to read my lifestory you can find the first chapter at Bud’s Beginning.

My theme verse for my blog is Psalm 45:1 My heart is overflowing with a good theme; I recite my composition concerning my King; My tongue is the pen of a ready writer.”

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Brian, I truly enjoy reading all of your blogs. At first I didn’t knew it was you until I read then one about you being in a cabin. As I was reading it I thought I heard this words before from Brian. I didn’t know that you go by the nickname of Bud. God has blessed you with a writing talent and good that you’re using it for His Glory. God bless you and your family.


    1. Hi Irma!
      My nicknames are many, but not Bud. I made that name up just to tell the story which I revealed at the end of the last blog. Joanne’s sister suggested that I start a blog because she liked some of my stories I have put on facebook from time to time. So since now being retired I knew I would have more time. I’m glad you enjoy them! I think they may be ministering to people and who knows maybe someone will even come to the Lord! I give Him all the praise! Good to hear from you. One of these days JoJo and I will come down and visit. Seriously! JoJo is her new nickname given by the grandkids. 🙂


      1. Brian, looking forward to the time when you and Joan come to Port Saint Lucie, Florida to spend time with us. Hopefully you can come when you both want to get away from the cold winters in Pennsylvania. God bless you both😀💙


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