Getting Started Right

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Did you ever start anything and then in retrospect say, “Boy I really messed that up!”? Oh yeah, we’ve all done that! Well, there’s one huge thing in which you DON’T want to start out wrong, and that’s the Christian life! You say, “what do you mean Christian life?”. It’s the life which starts when your realize you have sinned against your Holy God, and then turn in repentance from that sin and trust Jesus Christ, His Son, to forgive you and make you His child. That is the first step which opens up your life to a whole new world of blessings. I started my life with Jesus on May 2, 1975 and since then have learned some important steps to take for a person starting out the Christian life. Here’s a few of them:

Write the date you trusted Christ in the front of your Bible! Assuming you have already obtained one and make sure it’s an easily readable version like, the New International Version (NIV); New American Standard Version (NASV); New Living Translation (NLT) which is my favorite, or even the New King James Version (NKJV) which is more traditional but is also very readable. The reason for this step is that there will come a day when your Old Nature will encourage you to have doubts about your decision. When that happens you take it to your Bible, open up the front cover and point to that date and say, “See that date? That’s when I accepted Jesus so scram!” It sounds funny, but it’s exactly the thing to do!

On Day One start reading your Bible! Yep, it’s that simple! Slice out a piece of your morning, yes morning, to sit in a quiet place and simply read. Before you start pray, “O Lord open up my eyes to see You through Your Word this morning”. Now don’t start with the first book Genesis and think, “I’m reading through this whole thing!”, all in good time, but there’s a better starting place. Start with the Gospel of John in the New Testament. Read a chapter a day or whatever amount suits your time. Then start reading the book of Psalms (not all 150 chapters) as a way to worship the Lord. You’ll find an easy 5 Psalm’s a day plan at

Pray! Start talking to God in the most simple childlike way. Pray for your own needs and the needs of others in your family and circle of friends. Pray everywhere! In a quiet place, in your car, on a walk, God is with you at all times so just talk to Him! Make a prayer diary and track to see how God faithfully answers your prayers.

Find a church that preaches the Bible that is as close to your home as possible! And make a committment in your heart to be there EVERY Sunday! You will be greeted with a smile and friendly handshake. There will be a witness of the Spirit between you and your new Christian Brothers and Sisters in Christ. If that doesn’t happen then keep looking. Your new friends will provide needed fellowship and will be able to identify with where you are in your spiritual journey. There will also be opportunities to serve the Lord in small ways which eventually will lead to larger opportunities and spiritual stretching and growth.

Finally, Share your story or testimony with others about how Jesus tracked you down and transformed your life! No one can take away your powerful, life changing experience, and God will use your story to bless and even lead others to trust in Jesus as well.

I pray God’s blessing to you on this wonderful journey!

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