Getting Started Right

Good advice! If I must say so myself! 🙂


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Did you ever start anything and then in retrospect say, “Boy I really messed that up!”? Oh yeah, we’ve all done that! Well, there’s one huge thing in which you DON’T want to start out wrong, and that’s the Christian life! You say, “what do you mean Christian life?”. It’s the life which starts when your realize you have sinned against your Holy God, and then turn in repentance from that sin and trust Jesus Christ, His Son, to forgive you and make you His child. That is the first step which opens up your life to a whole new world of blessings. I started my life with Jesus on May 2, 1975 and since then have learned some important steps to take for a person starting out the Christian life. Here’s a few of them:

Write the date you trusted Christ in the front…

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My Substitute



What is good about Good Friday? On this day in the Biblical record Jesus was arrested, declared guilty in a mock trial, spit upon, beaten, mocked, a crown of thorns jammed onto His head, His back turned into ribbons of flesh by scourging and then He was forced to carry His cross to the place where He would be nailed onto it and die.

What is good about Good Friday? It is good because Jesus did it all for me! Yes, it is most powerful when we personalize it, because I would have had nothing to bring to a Holy God but my sins and my worthless works. But thankfully, His Son Jesus made a way for my sins to be forgiven on Good Friday. Is there any other way? No there isn’t. It took a sinless sacrifice to please a Holy Heavenly Father and there was no other person…

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