A Meadow Walk

A solitary walk and the simple messages surrounding me….

Blog B8

Two roads diverged in a wood, and I— I took the one less traveled by, And that has made all the difference. (Robert Frost)

Blog B

Go into the fields for they are ripe unto harvest…. (Jesus)

Blog B13

A hiding place to raise her young exposed to the sun and elements of winter…

Blog B2

God’s handiwork of beautiful hues of green and no four leaf to be seen!

Blog B11

A weed in my flowerbed yet a lovely purple hue in the meadow!

Blog B7

A prehistoric monster laid to rest and be reclaimed by it’s Maker…

Blog B4

Drinking at the springs of Living Water… Happy am I!

Blog B5

Could this be that smelly old Skunk Cabbage? Can you smell it?

Blog B3

An umbrella for mice and such!

Blog B6

A notation of love? A message from above? Lab Bug 15? Ha!

Go here for more inspirational stories: New Blog Index

For a guarenteed reservation to heaven go here: Guaranteed Reservation in Heaven!

The “Plus 30” Plan

In this time of quarentine, bordom or restlessness… take a seat in a quiet place and open your Bible to the book of Psalms and follow this plan.


House Light

From the very moment we open our eyes in the morning the world cries out for our time and attention. Work, housework, exercise, yard work, appointments, shopping, errands to run, kids crying for attention, on and on it goes. Where do we get the energy? How do we keep everything together and going in the right direction? From where do we get our guidance? How do we answer life’s questions which inevitably face us as we move through our day? I suggest before you do anything take time every morning to look up. Yes, look up to God and seek His face before doing anything else to start your day.
The place to seek God and hear from Him is in His Word the Bible and I suggest following this simple plan by reading the book of Psalms to start your day. The Psalms have been referred to as the…

View original post 354 more words

Feed the White Dog!

Blog Lion of Judah

There is a story told about a missionary who led a tribal leader to Jesus. Some time later he went back to see the chief and asked how he was doing. The chief responded, “Inside of me there are two dogs, a white one and a black one. The black dog is mean and tries to talk me into making the wrong choices. The white dog is good and encourages me to make the right choices. The black dog fights the white dog all day.” When asked by the missionary which dog wins, the chief reflected for a moment and replied, “The one I feed the most!”

You know, most of us believers are the same way. There is a part of us that is Christ-filled, compassionate, trusting, caring, serving and focused on helping others. (Our White Dog or New Nature.) We also have a self-centered, fearful, vengeful, controlling, anxious part of us that is generally focused on “me, myself and I” and preserving the status quo. (Our Black Dog or Old Nature.)  These two natures are in a constant battle.

Even the Apostle Paul had this struggle. He put it this way. “I have discovered this principle of life—that when I want to do what is right, I inevitably do what is wrong. I love God’s law with all my heart. But there is another power within me that is at war with my mind. This power makes me a slave to the sin that is still within me. Oh, what a miserable person I am! Who will free me from this life that is dominated by sin and death? Thank God! The answer is in Jesus Christ our Lord.” (Romans 7:21-25 NLT)

So how do you feed the white dog? Turn from the dark and un-holy things which your spiritual enemies, the World, your Flesh and the Devil throw at you every day and seek and saturate yourself with the things of the Lord instead! Daily reading and meditation of the Bible, God’s holy Word (see link below for my blog “The Plus 30 Plan” for a helpful way to read the Bible).

Make a prayer list and pray daily for yourself, your family and others. Attend a church which preaches from the Bible and where you can make new friends of common faith. Serve others in any little and large way you can. All these things feed the white dog and lead to a much much more fulfilling and rewarding life.

And here’s the secret… the White Dog inside of you is Jesus, the Lion of the Tribe of Judah! He has already vanquished Satan the enemy of your faith. Trust in Him today!


Feeding plan here: The “Plus 30” Plan

More encouraging stories here: New Blog Index

Back to Normal?


Here’s a good perspective a friend of mine posted on Facebook.

For weeks I have heard people saying:
“ I just can’t wait for things to be back to normal.”
I remember even saying that a few times myself.
But as I’ve thought about our current situation I have realized how much I DON’T want things to go back to the way they were. Here are a few of my thoughts why…

1. I pray that the next time a friend grabs me and pulls me in for a hug, I actually take the time to appreciate the gift of their embrace.

2. I pray that the next time I’m sitting in a crowded restaurant I take the time to look around at the smiling faces, loud voices and thank God for the gift of community.

3. I pray that the next time I’m standing in church listening to the voices of praise and taking communion that I take a moment to thank God for the gift of congregation.

4. I pray that the next time I see a person or situation that needs prayer, I hope I pray as passionately and fervently as I have these past few weeks.

5. I pray that when I am at the grocery store that I take a moment to thank God that He provides us with the necessities of life and the amazing people who work so hard to keep us supplied.

6. I pray that I never again take for granted the ability to hop in the car and visit a friend, go to the mall, or even go to the park, etc.

So, truth is, I don’t want things to return to the way they once were. I pray that we take the lessons and challenges of the past few weeks and create a new normal.

My goal is to pray more, love harder, and truly appreciate the daily abundance of blessings that were so easily overlooked just a mere few weeks ago.

We really do need a new normal and to be more thankful!

More encouraging stories here: New Blog Index

For a guaranteed reservation to Heaven go here: Guaranteed Reservation in Heaven!