Do You Know Jesus?

Do You know Jesus? I mean really know him, because He changed your life kind of Knowing Him! Do you remember when the light came in and the darkness went out? When the burden of your sins, the weight of it all washed away like a cleansing rain… that kind of Knowing Him.

I know you may be religious, go to church, try to live a good life, give to the poor, volunteer for good causes, watch your mouth around the preacher, celebrate Easter and of course Christmas!

But do you know that Christmas… was eventually followed by a battered, beaten, thorn wearing, agony stricken, Savior hanging on a cruel Cross? And for what?? FOR YOU!!! Here’s my story of how Jesus found me!


Can you believe it? God hunted me down until He cornered me in a little cabin in the mountains! Here’s how it all started. I was born into a family poisoned by alcohol and my parents and five brothers were all caught in a downward spiral of destruction. I was often separated from my brothers since our mother was repeatedly hospitalized with nervous breakdowns. It was during one of these times in my grade school years living with my Aunt and Uncle that they took me to a hymn sing and God made his first move. I distinctly recall hearing of Jesus for the first time and it was simply that He loved me. It was the thread of hope that kept my life from unraveling. The Bible says when your father and mother forsake you the Lord will take you up, so the hunt was on!

As a teenager, I was at a friend’s house and his cousin who played the guitar was visiting. I joined in with the singing and he asked me to be the lead singer in his rock and roll band. I agreed and for the next three years the hunt continued, as God was by my side protecting me as we performed before many drunken crowds in bar rooms, night clubs and college fraternity parties. One day our lead guitarist announced that he was “saved” and had become a “born again Christian” as God continued reminding me of His power and presence all around me.

After the band broke up I married my teenage sweetheart but unfortunately God was not a part of our marriage. Four years later with two young sons we struggled to make ends meet. God still cared for us and sent another messenger to me, my oldest brother, who was a Christian. He told me sincerely about his faith in Jesus when I was working part time at a gas station. He told me of the wonderful changes in his life since becoming a Christian and asked me to receive Christ as my Savior. I said I would think about it and shrugged him off, but the hunt was intensifying!

My wife and I decided it was time to take our boys to church so we went to a Bible church near our home. Unknown to us God was again at work because they were having evangelistic services and we heard the Gospel message more powerful than ever! At the end of the service it was as if God was calling our names to respond to the preacher’s invitation to receive Christ, but instead we grabbed our boys and left thinking we would never return, but God was obviously tracking us down!

You would think He’d give up on me by that time, but He didn’t! Then my best friend’s marriage fell apart and I saw the tragedy hit him full force. My brother invited us to his hunting camp and we thought it would be a good idea to get away from it all for a weekend. What I didn’t know was that God was waiting for me there and He was moving in to close the deal!

We spent the day enjoying God’s creation and then sat around the fireplace that evening. My brother began to point my friend to Jesus as the answer for his broken marriage and the Holy Spirit used his words to finally corner me! I saw again how my sin was the problem and how it had separated me from God. I realized His care for me over so many years and that His Son Jesus died to pay for my sins. I remembered all of the times He tried to reach me but I ran from Him. He had patiently sent people and situations into my life to get my attention all along the way.

We went up to the cabin bunk room and continued to talk of the Lord. I told my brother that I felt the Lord working in my heart, tracking me down as He had in the past. He said that I didn’t have to be in church to receive Christ and that I could do it right there in the cabin. I finally stopped running. I remember lying on my bunk in the darkness thinking of the times I turned away from Jesus and in a simple prayer I told him so. I said, “Lord Jesus, there are so many times I have said no to you but right now I ask you to come into my heart and life, forgive my sins and make me your child”. I invited Christ into my life in the best way I knew how and He came in! He forgave my sins and gave me eternal life! He transformed my life into a new creation. I couldn’t believe I had waited so long! Praise the Lord, the hunt was over!

Is God hunting for you? If you are reading this message He certainly is! The Bible says Jesus came to seek and save the lost. Do you remember times when God got your attention and pointed you to His Son Jesus? Did you say yes to Him or are you still running? The Bible says “For all have sinned and have come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) Do you realize you are a sinner who needs a Savior? It also says “…the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.”(Romans 6:23) The good news is “Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures and He was buried and rose again on the third day.”(I Cor.15:3, 4) Are you willing to turn from your sins and receive the eternal life Jesus is offering? Receive Him today, He is hunting for you! If you have received Jesus as your Savior as a result of reading this story please let me know.

Find more detail to my family and story here: Brian’s Beginning